  • Price, USD:$0.1471
  • Price, KAS/BTC: 0.00000237
  • Market Cap: $3.66 B
  • Volume, 24h: $16.33 M
  • DAA Score:91,894,018
  • Pruning Point:cf08...09f2
  • Supply: 24.87 B
  • % Issued: 86.64%
  • Difficulty: 5.53e+17
  • Hashrate:1.11 EH/s
  • Hashrate, 7d Change:-2.16%
  • Hashrate, 30d Change: 7.29%
  • Hashrate, 90d Change: 182.42%
Transactions, Hourly 24h
Transaction Summary
Last 24 Hours
  • Tx Count:732,009
  • Tx Per Second:8.47 TPS
Circulating Supply Aging
Updated: 10/06/2024, 24:00 UTC
  • 2 Years - 3 Years:7.19%
  • 1 Year - 2 Years: 17.52%
  • 6 Months - 1 Year: 23.81%
  • 3 Months - 6 Months: 15.18%
  • 1 Month - 3 Months: 16.44%
  • 1 Week - 1 Month: 13.58%
  • 1 Day - 1 Week: 5.17%
  • < 1 Day: 1.06%
Addresses By USD Balance
Updated: 10/06/2024, 24:00 UTC
Mining Share (Node Version)
Last 3600 Blocks
Data is provided without warranty, no guarantee of 100% accuracy, and is subject to change over time.
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